Gillies Sinker Mould - Ball Combo

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Gillies Sinker Mould - Ball Combo

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The Gillies range of sinker moulds represent excellent value for money by offering a multi sized array of sinkers per mould. A great way to save money and to recycle lead.
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Grouped product items
Product Name Price Quantity
Gillies Sinker Mould - Ball Combo - Small SKU: GI30010 RRP: $44.99
RRP $44.99
Gillies Sinker Mould - Ball Combo - Large SKU: GI30015 RRP: $79.99
RRP $79.99
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  • Small: 0.25oz, 0.5oz, 0.75oz and 1oz moulds
  • Large: 0.25oz, 0.5oz, 1oz, 2oz, 3oz, 4oz and 6oz moulds
Tip: Melt lead in a heavy cast iron pot in a well ventilated area and make sure that the pouring ladle or spoon is dry. Pre-heating the sinker mould too allows the molten lead to flow.

12 month warranty with proof of purchase for any defects in materials or manufacturing.
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